Today’s Bride Lead Generation Kit

Collecting leads is vital to having a successful bridal show experience. As an exhibitor, you’ll meet hundreds – even thousands! – of engaged couples. Some will want to hire you on the spot. Some may …
Prepping Your Website for the Engagement Season

Christmas Day is the number one proposal day of the year. In fact, nearly 40% of all engagements happen between November and February! With so many newly engaged couples starting their wedding search, what will …
October Show Booth Design Awards

Trying to choose winners for the Booth Design Awards from the October 15th Show had us sweating almost as much as we were at the show! You all pushed the limits of what you can …
Is LinkedIn Beneficial to You?

You already have so much going on that setting up one more social media account isn’t high on your priorities. Each social media site offers different benefits to your business. LinkedIn may offer some of …
5 Tips to Make the Sale

So you hooked the bride. They saw your ad in a magazine and went to your website, met you at a bridal show, or got a reference from a friend. However they found you, it’s …
Stand Up & Be Recognized

Being approachable is a key ingredient to success at shows. That involves how you’re dressed, not being distracted by your cell phone or other staff members, your body language and most importantly your attitude.
The Seven Ps

If you want to be a successful exhibitor, forget minding your Ps and Qs. Just stick with the Ps. If you get them all right, and you’re in a good show, you cannot help but …
4 Ways to Draw Them to your Booth

There are 4 main factors affecting an attendee’s decision to stop at your booth: Exhibit Size, Creative Display, Show Promotions, and Pre-Show Promoting.
Show Tip: 6 ways to Create A Booth that Sells

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to create a booth with pizzazz. Exhibitors often create imaginative, attention-getting and successful booths with materials they already have at home or in their offices. To …
Booth Salesmanship 101

A bridal show provides the unique opportunity to meet large volumes of potential customers face-to-face. The sales people in your booth are the single most important ingredient to get bookings at the show!