Marketing All Year Long

Though the summer months do see the most weddings, that doesn’t mean that your marketing strategies can slack the rest of the year. Marketing year-round is key to any successful wedding business, and knowing where …
I’m a Hypocrite, Are You?

Every so often, I’m guilty of buying based upon price. There, I said it. But, that makes me a hypocrite. I want my customers choosing me as their speaker, mastermind leader, consultant, or for a …
Redesigning Your Business

Millennials can be one of the hardest consumer classes to reach. They have a different mindset when it comes to what they want and how they go about researching it. Because they grew up in …
How to Make “DIY” Work for You

Weddings are not cheap, and nearly 10% of engaged couples today are paying entirely by themselves. To compensate, they turn to DIY options instead of using professionals. While the DIY trend has proved to be …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part II

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part I

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s this group of …
Congrats to the 2016 ISES Ohio WOW! Award Winners!

“Rewarding Excellence. Recognizing the Best.” It was just two weeks ago that the International Special Events Society (ISES, now ILEA) held a celebration to honor the work of Northeast Ohio’s incredible event professionals. According to their …
Now Announcing…. The 2016-2017 Bridal Show Schedule!

The long awaited 2016-2017 Bridal Show Schedule is finally here! There have been some pretty big changes to the typical show schedule. We’re pretty excited about them, and you should be too! Mark your calendar, …
Profits are music to your ears… but are you really making any money?

I recently gave a presentation for the NJ ABC/ISES/NACE chapters called “Am I really making any money?” Too often I hear people talking about the number of clicks to their ad, how high they come …
Why do couples almost always ask “How much does it cost” first?

As I travel around the country, and around the world, this is one of the questions I get asked most often. There are so many important things that our prospects need to know, yet so …
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