Video: What Are You Selling?

Is your bridal show booth design effective? Watch this video to figure out how to make sure your booth is making the perfect first impression! Video Transcription: When you exhibit at a show, you …
Ways You Can Keep Learning New Things

It’s important to keep learning, not only as an individual but as a business. New trends, technologies, and tactics are introduced every day. You don’t want to get left behind! New knowledge will help you …
Get More Quality Referrals With Smart Advertising

Referrals show that the service you are providing is excellent and your customers want to others to have the same experience they had. It’s only natural that you would want more of them. We compiled …
Common Mistakes Sales People Make

Salespeople are one of the most critical aspects of a business. They are the face and the people factor in reaching potential clients. That is why it is so important they know how to improve …
Popular Apps You Should Download

With technology ever-changing and developing, we often pass over useful apps. Our smartphones can make our lives so much easier, if we know how to take advantage of their many benefits. We collected some of …
What Should You Focus On In 2018?

You have goals for your business! And, you have a budget to help you achieve those goals. But where should you be allocating your dollars for the best results? Take our quiz to find out …
5 Surefire Ways to Promote Your Business

Running a business without marketing is like smiling in the dark. You’ll know you’re doing it, but no one else will. To be successful, you have to get your name in front of your target …
Is LinkedIn Beneficial to You?

You already have so much going on that setting up one more social media account isn’t high on your priorities. Each social media site offers different benefits to your business. LinkedIn may offer some of …
Should you be texting your clients?

Time to answer the question everyone seems to be asking – should you text your customers?
Stand Up & Be Recognized

Being approachable is a key ingredient to success at shows. That involves how you’re dressed, not being distracted by your cell phone or other staff members, your body language and most importantly your attitude.