Video: Shows Aren’t for Everyone

Not comfortable in bridal show selling? Take a second to watch this video to gain the confidence and knowledge to make your next wedding show the best wedding show yet! Video Transcription: The first …
Ways You Can Keep Learning New Things

It’s important to keep learning, not only as an individual but as a business. New trends, technologies, and tactics are introduced every day. You don’t want to get left behind! New knowledge will help you …
Get More Quality Referrals With Smart Advertising

Referrals show that the service you are providing is excellent and your customers want to others to have the same experience they had. It’s only natural that you would want more of them. We compiled …
Common Mistakes Sales People Make

Salespeople are one of the most critical aspects of a business. They are the face and the people factor in reaching potential clients. That is why it is so important they know how to improve …
How the Royal Wedding Will Affect the Wedding Industry

The Royal Wedding will be inspiring weddings all around the world. Every time a royal gets married, the wedding industry gets a massive push from couples wanting their own royal experience. So, what can the …
What Should You Focus On In 2018?

You have goals for your business! And, you have a budget to help you achieve those goals. But where should you be allocating your dollars for the best results? Take our quiz to find out …
January 2018 I-X Center Booth Design Awards

If we could give a Booth Design Award to every exhibitor at the I-X Center Today’s Bride Show, we would! Your designs made it so hard to narrow down the list of winners. The following …
January 2018 John S Knight Center Booth Design Awards

With over 150 vendor booths at our Akron January Bridal Show, the designs can easily begin to blur together. These 5 booths, though, stood out as incredible examples of both creativity and professionalism! With their …
Prepping Your Website for the Engagement Season

Christmas Day is the number one proposal day of the year. In fact, nearly 40% of all engagements happen between November and February! With so many newly engaged couples starting their wedding search, what will …
Is LinkedIn Beneficial to You?

You already have so much going on that setting up one more social media account isn’t high on your priorities. Each social media site offers different benefits to your business. LinkedIn may offer some of …