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All posts tagged with: social media

Video: Be Where the Buyers Are

Are you putting your money in the most effective ways? Make sure your marketing isn’t going to waste. Check out this video to see how to use social media to your advantage.   Video Transcription: Let’s …

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How to Use Tagging and Hashtagging to Improve Your Marketing

Hashtags|As seen on

Social Media is important for any marketing strategy. It can be hard to use all of it’s features to their full potential. Hashtags and photo tags are features that are often overlooked but can be …

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Popular Apps You Should Download

With technology ever-changing and developing, we often pass over useful apps. Our smartphones can make our lives so much easier, if we know how to take advantage of their many benefits. We collected some of …

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Is LinkedIn Beneficial to You?

LinkedIn | As seen on

You already have so much going on that setting up one more social media account isn’t high on your priorities. Each social media site offers different benefits to your business. LinkedIn may offer some of …

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Updating your Website – Spreading the Word

It’s no secret that our world is entering a digital era. In this age of Google searches and Siri inquiries, it’s important to have a strong identity online. The best way to do this is …

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Millennials – The Elusive Generation

Millennials, Generation Y, Generation FOMO, call them whatever you would like, but the struggle is real when it comes to marketing to this generation.

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Making the Most of your Social Media

Hashtags|As seen on

You see it everywhere! At dinner, out shopping, listening to live music, watching a baseball game; everyone has their nose in their phone! Whether they’re taking selfies, posting videos to Snapchat, texting, or scrolling through …

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Redesigning Your Business

Millennials can be one of the hardest consumer classes to reach. They have a different mindset when it comes to what they want and how they go about researching it. Because they grew up in …

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Speaking their Language- How to Appeal to the Millennial Generation

You’ve put your heart and soul into building a successful company, but times are changing, and with it, the evolution of advertisement. While print is far from dead, staying on top of the trends is …

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