Ways You Can Keep Learning New Things

It’s important to keep learning, not only as an individual but as a business. New trends, technologies, and tactics are introduced every day. You don’t want to get left behind! New knowledge will help you …
Common Mistakes Sales People Make

Salespeople are one of the most critical aspects of a business. They are the face and the people factor in reaching potential clients. That is why it is so important they know how to improve …
How the Royal Wedding Will Affect the Wedding Industry

The Royal Wedding will be inspiring weddings all around the world. Every time a royal gets married, the wedding industry gets a massive push from couples wanting their own royal experience. So, what can the …
Popular Apps You Should Download

With technology ever-changing and developing, we often pass over useful apps. Our smartphones can make our lives so much easier, if we know how to take advantage of their many benefits. We collected some of …
I’m a Hypocrite, Are You?

Every so often, I’m guilty of buying based upon price. There, I said it. But, that makes me a hypocrite. I want my customers choosing me as their speaker, mastermind leader, consultant, or for a …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part II

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part I

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s this group of …
Congrats to the 2016 ISES Ohio WOW! Award Winners!

“Rewarding Excellence. Recognizing the Best.” It was just two weeks ago that the International Special Events Society (ISES, now ILEA) held a celebration to honor the work of Northeast Ohio’s incredible event professionals. According to their …
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