4 Ways to Draw Them to your Booth

There are 4 main factors affecting an attendee’s decision to stop at your booth: Exhibit Size, Creative Display, Show Promotions, and Pre-Show Promoting.
Show Tip: 6 ways to Create A Booth that Sells

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to create a booth with pizzazz. Exhibitors often create imaginative, attention-getting and successful booths with materials they already have at home or in their offices. To …
Booth Salesmanship 101

A bridal show provides the unique opportunity to meet large volumes of potential customers face-to-face. The sales people in your booth are the single most important ingredient to get bookings at the show!
Cardinal Rule of Booth Design

A bride should look at your booth and know exactly what type of service you offer without talking to you. For example, don’t use truckloads of flowers to decorate your booth if you are a photographer.
How to Collect Your Own Leads at the Bridal Show

One flaw with the millennial consumer is that they don’t like to buy things on-the-spot. It is almost impossible to get someone between the ages of 18 and 34 to immediately agree to what …
Network with Exhibitors

Don’t forget this is a PRIME opportunity to network with other local businesses. These connections will last long past the event and can benefit both yours and their business.
Bridal Show Success

Bad Booth Behavior Attract and Engage Bridal Show Attendees What Are You Selling? Handout or Thrown Out? The Terrible Toos Booth Design Inspiration Follow Up Our free gift to you as a Today’s Bride …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part II

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part I

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s this group of …
Show Tip: Light it Up!

Yes, there will be some light in the exhibit halls. No, they will not be enough. The effective use of light in your exhibit will make your booth stand out, creates a warm atmosphere, and help feature …