Today's Bride Pros

The November 19th Brides’ Panel

The Today’s Bride team hosted a brides’ panel on November 19, 2015. All ages, budgets and tastes were represented. We had several questions for them — and they had just as many answers. See how they weighed in on what they want from potential wedding vendors … and what they don’t want!


The first resource the brides consulted.  (And they have quite a few of them)

Brides respond better to education rather than sales tactics.

Brides look for ideas and local vendors in magazines.

Brides notice the good, well designed ads.  (Inspiration catches their eye)

Presence across multiples platforms (print, web, at show) is best … “For me, more exposure equals more credibility.”


The brides attended a bridal show because they needed vendors & inspiration.

The majority of the brides attended & booked a service from a bridal show.

The brides wanted to experience a bridal show as part of the engagement process.

A lot of the brides made follow-up appointments at the bridal show.

 Variety of businesses is one of the main reasons a bride will decide if she is coming to a bridal show.

 Brides are looking for connections.  After all these are the people that the couple is going to be spending the day with.  They are treating it as a mini-interview.

 Couples notice what you are doing in your booth space and relate that to their wedding. (Staring at your phone. Looking bored. Packing up early.  Ignoring guests)  Flip side:  Having fun, engaging and entertaining.  Yep.  They pay attention.


98% of brides look at your website.  If it is not attractive or too much text the will leave instantly.  (And all the marketing you just did to get them there. What a shame!)

Your website should be current with up-to-date and recent information.

If the website isn’t easy to navigate, it’s overlooked.  Function is everything.

Music NOT to their ears.  “I hate websites that have music. I’m online all the time at work, so I always have to quickly close out of a companies website when music comes on.  I don’t go back.”


The brides look to see how often businesses post.

The brides said social media plays a large role in the selection process.

The brides want to see quality posts.

The brides trust when they see a business reviewing another business.


♥ The brides want the cost of the service listed up front.

When the prices aren’t listed, they think it’s too expensive.  If you are uncomfortable with actual prices, consider putting a dollar range for your services.

The brides prefer communicating by e-mail; they do not like calls or texts.

Direct mail works!  It take three seconds to delete an email but 90 seconds to walk from the mailbox to the house.  (That is 87 more seconds!)

 Cut the clutter!  Brides look to longstanding and trustworthy sources to decipher all the information that is on the internet.

Before making a decision, a face-to-face meeting is mandatory.

First impressions are everything. (i.e. advertisements, websites & exhibit booths)

The brides are turned off by “if you sign today…” pitches.

Brides in this generation thrive on conversational messaging.

The brides consider referrals when booking a wedding service.

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