Today's Bride Pros
All posts tagged with: marketing

Common Mistakes Sales People Make

Salespeople are one of the most critical aspects of a business. They are the face and the people factor in reaching potential clients. That is why it is so important they know how to improve …

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What Should You Focus On In 2018?

You have goals for your business! And, you have a budget to help you achieve those goals. But where should you be allocating your dollars for the best results? Take our quiz to find out …

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5 Surefire Ways to Promote Your Business

Running a business without marketing is like smiling in the dark. You’ll know you’re doing it, but no one else will. To be successful, you have to get your name in front of your target …

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How To Collect Your Own Leads

Leads | As seen on

If you’re not actively collecting leads, your marketing outreach is falling on deaf ears. Why are leads so important, how can you start collecting them, and what info do you need to collect? Keep reading …

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Prepping Your Website for the Engagement Season

Christmas Day is the number one proposal day of the year. In fact, nearly 40% of all engagements happen between November and February! With so many newly engaged couples starting their wedding search, what will …

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Communication Etiquette in the Digital Age

When millennials want something, they want it right now. Raised in the world of cell phones, Facebook, and debit cards, they expect instantaneous results and immediate responses. If you’re not responding within 24 hours, you …

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October Show Booth Design Awards

Trying to choose winners for the Booth Design Awards from the October 15th Show had us sweating almost as much as we were at the show! You all pushed the limits of what you can …

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Is LinkedIn Beneficial to You?

LinkedIn | As seen on

You already have so much going on that setting up one more social media account isn’t high on your priorities. Each social media site offers different benefits to your business. LinkedIn may offer some of …

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5 Tips to Make the Sale

Make the Sale |

So you hooked the bride. They saw your ad in a magazine and went to your website, met you at a bridal show, or got a reference from a friend. However they found you, it’s …

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Finding the Right Price for your Business

When it comes to pricing your services as a wedding professional, there are many key factors to consider. We understand that your company is very important to you, so that’s why sometimes it’s hard to …

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