Updating your Website – Spreading the Word

It’s no secret that our world is entering a digital era. In this age of Google searches and Siri inquiries, it’s important to have a strong identity online. The best way to do this is …
Our Northeast Ohio Pride

Unlike most other wedding resources, Today’s Bride is not a national magazine or bridal show producer. Local to Northeast Ohio, we’re dedicated to supporting our neighbors and promoting the beauty in our own backyard.
The Rule of 7 with Today’s Bride

According to marketing scholars and professionals everywhere, the Rule of 7 is an important key in running a successful business. What exactly is it and how can Today’s Bride help you achieve maximum exposure?
Marketing All Year Long

Though the summer months do see the most weddings, that doesn’t mean that your marketing strategies can slack the rest of the year. Marketing year-round is key to any successful wedding business, and knowing where …
I’m a Hypocrite, Are You?

Every so often, I’m guilty of buying based upon price. There, I said it. But, that makes me a hypocrite. I want my customers choosing me as their speaker, mastermind leader, consultant, or for a …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part II

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s …
Recap of Lessons Learned from BSPI- Part I

Over the past few days, Denise and Jennifer attended (and spoke at) the Bridal Show Producers International Conference. They learned more about marketing and appealing to our target audience– millennials. Aged 18-34, it’s this group of …
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