Today's Bride Pros

Video: Shows Aren’t for Everyone

Not comfortable in bridal show selling? Take a second to watch this video to gain the confidence and knowledge to make your next wedding show the best wedding show yet!   Video Transcription: The first …

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Video: Follow-Up

Do not let your hot leads turn cold! Watch this video to learn how to properly follow up on those important bridal show leads.   Video Transcription: You will maximize your results from a show …

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Video: Three Myths About Wedding Shows

Have you heard these myths? Do you have any myths of your own that you’ve debunked? Comment below with the common misconceptions you found when you started presenting at bridal shows!   Video Transcription: In …

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Video: Bad Booth Behavior

Are you exhibiting bad booth behavior? Watch this video and see how the way your acting can be distracting from your bridal show booth.   Video Transcription: During the show your booth is your storefront—it’s …

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Video: What Are You Selling?

Is your bridal show booth design effective? Watch this video to figure out how to make sure your booth is making the perfect first impression!   Video Transcription: When you exhibit at a show, you …

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Video: Wedding Shows Cost Too Much

Do you think bridal shows cost too much? See how spending money now means getting more money in the future!   Video Transcription: I once had a prospective customer tell me, “I can’t afford your show. …

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Video: Shows Aren’t All the Same

Do you think that if you have exhibited in one show, you’ve seen all you can? See how that is wrong and how it can be beneficial to go to multiple bridal shows in a year …

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Video: The Terrible Toos

What are the terrible toos? Watch how the terrible toos of your bridal show booth can scare potential customers away from you!   Video Transcription: When you exhibit at a wedding show, you need to avoid the …

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Video: Attract and Engage Wedding Show Attendees

How can you stand out from the other bridal show booths? Watch this video to learn how you can wow your audience and make the best first impression.   Video Transcription: In this video, I’m …

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Video: Wedding Show Booth Design Inspiration

Need inspiration for your next bridal show? Look at these beautiful booths to figure out what you can improve for your next show.   Video Transcription: I like to think of wedding shows as the …

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