Today's Bride Pros

Video: Bad Booth Behavior

Are you exhibiting bad booth behavior? Watch this video and see how the way your acting can be distracting from your bridal show booth.


Video Transcription:

During the show your booth is your storefront—it’s your studio, its your office. You’ll be judged by the appearance of your booth and the attitude of your staff. Dress appropriately, stand up, be approachable, convey confidence, and be friendly. Make the prospective customer feel welcome the moment they approach you. Maintain eye contact and smile. Do not smoke, eat, drink, chew gum, read the newspaper, talking to your cellphone, drown yourself in perfume, chat with your coworkers, eat garlic bagels, or bring your kids.

Why did this company even bother? They ran out of stuff, so the guy decided to do a crossword puzzle instead.

Nothing says I want your business like sitting in your booth and talking on your phone.

Be conscious of your body language. Does this guy look like he wants to be there? Don’t cross your arms or put your hands in your pockets. Make sure that your posture shows that you are open and friendly.

And here’s the trifecta of bad booth behavior: sitting down, head buried in a cell phone, and eating at the booth.

Staff your booth with your best people—your salespeople. Staff your booth with people who you know won’t sit down all day with their phone in their hand and sneak out an hour before the show ends. If your company is just you then enlist the help of a friend or two or even one or two of your previous customers to help you out at the show.

If you are giving musical performances in your booth, know that it’s difficult to play and talk to prospects at the same time. Or if you’re giving out samples of cakes or catered items, know that it will be hard to do selling while you’re also doing serving. Having extra people on hand will allow you to maximize your results.

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