Respecting your Bridal Show Neighbors

1. You cannot stand in the aisle at a wedding, and you can’t do it here. Stay in your booth. There can be a maximum of 4 people staffing a single booth at one …
August 26th Bridal Show Booth Design Awards

This year’s August Bridal Show at the John S Knight Center was an inspiration once again…and not just for brides! We were impressed by the new exhibitors who came in with a veteran-status vision, and …
January 2018 John S Knight Center Booth Design Awards

With over 150 vendor booths at our Akron January Bridal Show, the designs can easily begin to blur together. These 5 booths, though, stood out as incredible examples of both creativity and professionalism! With their …
Booth Design Awards

This past Sunday’s Bridal Show in Akron at the John S. Knight Center was a show-stopper! We were overwhelmed by the effort and details that were put into each display, and we can easily say …