[WEBINAR] Are You Losing Sales?

Are your emails, phone calls, and prospecting efforts being ignored? Do you wonder what you can do to capture the attention of Millennial and Gen Z brides? In this webinar, Abby Longshore and Lisa Bischoff, …
10 Tips to Get Responses to your Emails

When receiving your lead list, you may find it difficult to start an introductory email that sounds both personal and professional. You want to gain the bride’s attention and promote yourself without feeling like you …
Video: Be Where the Buyers Are

Are you putting your money in the most effective ways? Make sure your marketing isn’t going to waste. Check out this video to see how to use social media to your advantage. Video Transcription: Let’s …
How To Collect Your Own Leads

If you’re not actively collecting leads, your marketing outreach is falling on deaf ears. Why are leads so important, how can you start collecting them, and what info do you need to collect? Keep reading …
Is A Blog Right for Your Business?

Business blogs are a great way to reach out to current and potential customers without having to spend a dime. However, this does not mean they are right for every business. If you start a …
Updating your Website – Design Tips

It’s no secret that our world is entering a digital era. In this age of Google searches and Siri inquiries, it’s important to have a strong identity online. The best way to do this is …
The Rule of 7 with Today’s Bride

According to marketing scholars and professionals everywhere, the Rule of 7 is an important key in running a successful business. What exactly is it and how can Today’s Bride help you achieve maximum exposure?
Marketing All Year Long

Though the summer months do see the most weddings, that doesn’t mean that your marketing strategies can slack the rest of the year. Marketing year-round is key to any successful wedding business, and knowing where …