Impact of Print

Over a decade ago – way back in 2006 – Sony came out with the first E-Reader and the world was forever changed…wasn’t it?
Marketing All Year Long

Though the summer months do see the most weddings, that doesn’t mean that your marketing strategies can slack the rest of the year. Marketing year-round is key to any successful wedding business, and knowing where …
Why Doesn’t Anyone Ever Mention They Saw My Ads?

I hear this all the time from local vendors. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You spend your hard-earned money on advertising and no one ever mentions that they saw it. Is it working, or isn’t it?
Is Print Dead?

All across the wedding industry there are two sides to the argument, “Is Print Dead.” Wedding magazines are standing up and firmly saying- “Absolutely not!” While vendors are almost jumping out of their shoes to …
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